our HOME


All these children come from very poor families.  Most parents work at Nairobi estates as house maids, gardeners and guards.  They get very little pay, which has made some to embark on social evils in order to provide for their families.  As a result, some children have been left orphans.

So, the little school fees paid the by the 200 children helps us meet some school monthly bills including teaching & working staffs wadges, children feeding, rent, stationaries and also help take care of them though it is not enough especially with cost of commodities.

The Centre is based in the outskirts of Nairobi at Kangemi location, running in leased land with an 8 years lease agreement, in the short run we hope and pray to raise enough funds to purchase this facility we have worked so hard to build.

Our children are blessed and very talented in different skills like in music; traditional songs, dramer, sports, Art work etc. for four consecutive years, we have participated in the Kenya music festival to National levels and this year we manage to take home position 1 in national level.